Well, I may or may not have survived my first night in a hostel. Let's assess, shall we:
*It is 9:40 a.m. local time. I went to bed (let me rephrase, I physically got into bed) at around 10:30 p.m. I slept maybe a total of 4 hours. Do people in Munich fucking sleep??? Jesus Christ, I swear there were people, very drunk people, loitering outside the hostel until at least 5 a.m. Loud people. For fuck's sake! Every time I would almost fall asleep someone would yell, or start a fist fight, or break a bottle, or start fucking the person(s) next to them. Not to mention one of the girls from Florida must have had a deviated septum. That, or she was choking on a fan. Why is it always the well-manicured, high-maintenance girls that sound like a fucking train when they sleep??
When I finally did manage to fall asleep around 4:00, I was abruptly awoken by what can only be described as three Godzillas thrashing about the room at 6:00 a.m. Dear Asian Girls: I am going to punch you in your sleep. Better yet, I'm going to get totally wasted tonight and come stumbling in at 3:00 a.m., screaming and throwing shit. Maybe I will even pee on your beds. Because I cannot fathom how those two high-maintenance girls from Florida managed to leave without so much as a floor squeak, yet you three tiny girls made enough noise to wake baby Jesus 2000 years ago. Fuck you. Oh, and you smell funny. There, I said it. It's called deodorant.
The facilities are actually quite nice, but I feel like I'm bordering on the cusp of being too old to stay in one of these "youth" hostels. Oh well, at 20 Euro a night, I can't complain. Maybe I just need to drink more.
I'm not quite sure what today has in store for me, but I'm hoping it involves beer. And lots of pictures. And water. F. I really need water.
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