Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's Time for me to Fess Up.

Anyone who knows me knows that I love television. And movies. Almost to the point where it is some sort of sick obsession. Well, not really an obsession as just kind of sad. I've noticed a direct correlation (inverse relationship? I sucked at statistics) between the amount of television I watch and the temperature. As the temperature goes down, the number of hours I spend stretched out on my couch watching my giant television goes up. And when you live in Idaho, that's A LOT of hours of t.v.

Christmas break was spent watching the entirety of "Battlestar Galactica." That's right. Every. Single. Season. From start to finish. By the time I watched the last episode, I was so emotionally drained and torn from reality that I sort of forgot my own name. Is Earth real? Are we all just people from other planets that were destroyed by Cylons? Why do I now have so many MORE unanswered questions about the universe?

I promised myself after that (and a good 10 lbs gained) that I would not be sucked in by any more television shows. It was okay to have one that I had to watch every week, but never again would I park it in front of my television for hours on end, losing entire days watching a show that only distracts me from my actual life and makes me forget how much I hate interacting with people sometimes.

Oh, how quickly I break promises to myself.

I blame Target.

I'd watched "Bones" a few times on TNT over the years, but I never really got into it. The whole premise seemed slightly odd, the acting was a bit over the top, and the story lines were highly improbable. Still, it was an entertaining show and really, what else do you need?

Until one day in February. I was at Target buying face-wash when I happened to meander through the electronics section. And they were having a special on Seasons 1 and 2 of "Bones." Both seasons for $24.99. A total steal! So I bought it. And went home. And watched it. And watched more. And more. Until I was through the first season. And it had only been a week. Shit. I was hooked.

I bought season 3 and my sister bought me season 4 for my birthday, which happened to coincide with spring break.

Do you think I moved from my couch that entire week (when I wasn't at work)? No. No I did not. I got through THREE SEASONS of "Bones" in a week. And subsequently failed an Intermediate Accounting III test because I did not study and instead watched "Bones" (my professor did not think this was a good excuse. I told him at least I was being honest).

There is something so, so wrong about that.

So officially being caught up, I'm now able to watch the show in real time (Thursdays at 7:00 on Fox). And I'm hooked. It's not like I have a class during that time or anything. Wait, shit. I have cost accounting. Oh well. It's not like he takes attendance.

So my obsession with "Bones" is due to several factors:

1. Emily Deschanel is way hot. I mean, really hot. And I noted during tonight's episode that she TOTALLY has knees like me. So now I like her even more.

2. David Boreanaz is pretty hot, too.

3. I feel super, super smart after watching "Bones." Like I have any clue what a neural foraminal stenosis of the C6 vertebral body is. But I can say it. And that's all that matters.

4. I feel comfortable admitting that I can probably kill someone and get away with it. Not that I ever would. I pass out when I see blood.

5. I'm so obsessed with the relationship between Booth and Bones. It's like Mulder and Scully, all that pent up sexual tension. It drives me NUTS. I watch every week to see if Booth and Bones are finally going to...bone...ha ha.

So tonight's episode totally did it for me. I'm not going to insert any spoilers. Just know that if you like "Bones" and if you're obsessed with their relationship like me and you DID NOT watch the 100th episode, get your ass to your computer now and watch it. I cried. Because I've become emotionally attached to characters on a fucking television show.

This is a judge-free zone.

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