Sunday, April 11, 2010

Veganism: Day One

Weight: 179 lbs.

I debated whether or not to include my weight on this blog, but since I'm actually trying to lose weight via veganism, I thought it was appropriate to track my weight and share it with whomever is out on the Internets reading this.

I went to a party last night and shared with all my friends my quest towards skinniness via food deprivation and my intent to start today. So my friend drove me to Wendy's and demanded that I order a double cheeseburger. And since I always give into peer pressure, I ordered it. And ate it. And it was the most delicious cheeseburger of my life, probably because I knew it would be the last one I would be eating for a while.

So I officially started the vegan diet today. As I mentioned, I planned on continuing to drink milk; however, I feel as though if I'm going to do this thing, I need to go balls out. So I drank the rest of my milk this morning and went and bought (vomit) Soymilk. Vanilla. Light. Gross. This morning I woke up around 9 and had a bowl of Cheerios with (regular, tasty, oh-so-glorious) milk and cleaned my house.

One of the good things about me is that I try to keep myself busy so that I don't have time to just sit around thinking about eating or watching t.v. After I cleaned my house, I went to my soccer game, which was an hour-and-a-half of hell because we had no subs for 2 45-minute halves; then I had to go to my parent's house to help them flip some board or something and then I went grocery shopping. So basically, it's right around 6:37 and the only thing I have had to eat today is that effing bowl of cereal and half a bottle of water. I'm extremely irritable right now. But I am snacking on some chips and salsa, and should I get the motivation, I will go make myself a salad. I did pick up this weird salad at the Co-op, which was the only vegan thing they had at their little pre-made dinner counter, with edamame, spinach and tofu. And you guessed it, it tastes like ass. Sick. But I should probably continue to eat it since it's green. And it was expensive. Trader Joe's, please come to Boise!

So I guess today doesn't really count since I sort of forgot to eat. But I did go to the grocery store to pick up my "vegan" food, and I didn't realize there was so much meatless stuff. Not to mention cheese that is not really cheese but masquerades as cheese and is made from vegetables and soy? Huh? Not entirely sure, but we'll see. There's also vegan butter, vegan mayo, vegan turkey meat that is not really turkey meat, vegan yogurt and these cute little vegan chicken nuggets. Aw, how sweet. I think tomorrow I will make myself a smoothie since I did buy a ton of fruit, which could be one of the only positives about this whole insane thing.

One of the things I'm not going to like about this whole vegan thing is being lumped into a category with "those people." You know the ones I'm talking about:

Hippies. Fucking hippies. I'm with Cartman on this one (and if you haven't seen that episode of "South Park" I suggest you watch it. It is highly entertaining and describes my feelings perfectly towards hippies). I am still a quasi-Republican and do not plan on bathing myself in patchouli or dreading my hair or not showering. Even if I will be buying my groceries in the same aisle as these nimrods. (Not to say that all hippies are nimrods. I'm slightly biased after living amongst them in the hippie-invested lands known as Humboldt County).

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