If there is one thing I absolutely love to do, it is go to concerts. I will travel great distances to go to a concert. Hungover, sick, tired, cranky, angry, angsty, sad, whatever. It is nothing good music cannot cure.
Sunday, a group of us packed up in my car and drove the 320 miles to Bend, Oregon for the She & Him concert. For those who may be unfamiliar with She & Him, this amazing duet is the product of the whimsical combination of M. Ward and Zooey Deschanel. See video below.
Total feelgood music. AND I can dance to it. Sweet.
So road-trip + concert = Sunday was an absolutely amazing day. Aside from the fact that maybe I had a little too much fun Saturday night, making Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m. feel almost like a swift kick in the stomach, I rallied (and drove). Katie, her sister Sarah and her friend Rachel met at my house and we headed on our way, very, very early.
Anyone that knows me knows that when I'm driving someplace, I do NOT stop for bathroom breaks. I hate stopping. I've held it for hours on end. I attribute my awesome bladder to never wanting to "break the seal" at parties. This, though, does not work well when people have to pee all the time (okay, once on the way there, but still). Now if we hadn't stopped, however, I would not have been privy to the awesomeness that was the free museum outside of Burns, Oregon. Please revel in the following pictures.
I'm pretty convinced this doll is possessed. Remember that episode (Chinga) of The X-Files with the extremely creepy doll? I just kept imagining my hair getting caught in a nearby milkshake machine.
There was also this sign in the bathroom, which could be one of the more perplexing things I've seen:
Do they mean to say don't stand on the toilet seat or if you're going to stand to pee, lift up the toilet seat? How does a woman stand and pee? How do you aim? Do you hoist one leg up on the sink? And how is this preferable to sitting or squatting? There are so many unanswered questions!!!
So back on the road, the weather was beautiful. Blue skies, some clouds, gorgeous landscapes. We rolled into Bend and it was a balmy 78 degrees, which made me oh-so-happy considering the weather in Boise has been anything but summer-like for the past few weeks. We went to this Italian restaurant to eat near the Ampitheater, and that is when it started raining. It sputtered for a bit, then full on poured, then the sun came out. I was crossing my fingers that it would stay sunny since I was in a super-cute sundress from Anthro and only had a cardigan to protect me from the pouring rains. Apparently finger-crossing did not work.
Before we went to the show, we loaded up on alcohol and badminton ($5 at Rite Aid). This turned out to be a worthwhile investment as we ended up waiting in line outside the ampitheater for a good hour. Dear Ticketweb: when you say "5:00" on your ticket, please clarify if that means the doors open at 5:00 or the concert starts at 5:00. OK? Thanks. Because as much fun as it was to listen to the woman behind me talk about her friend who was having an affair in her horrific southern accent, I would have much rather been inside...drinking...
When we were finally allowed inside, we set up our blankets in the grass and chilled for a bit. There was an opening band for She & Him and Band of Horses called Dawes. And they sucked. I'm just going to say it. Their harmonizing was terrible and it reminded me of the sounds the alley cats make when they fight outside my house. The only good thing was the drummer. He had the most amazing Jew-fro and looked like he was puking whe he played the drums. No, seriously. He made the retching face. I couldn't stop laughing. What a tool. You are not bad ass, buddy.
Neither here nor there. Let's get to the awesome part: SHE & HIM!
They were amazing. That is all I have to say. Despite the fact that it was pouring rain, despite the fact that all these hipster-wannabe-stoned assholes kept shoving their way forward, despite (or yay?) that there was weed being smoked like we were at a freaking Willie Nelson concert, they were simply fantastic. Here are a few pics of my new girlfriend, Zooey (and I should clarify I use the term girlfriend loosely since she is married. We're more of a weekend thing...kidding! Sort of).
Seriously? Could she be any cuter? I don't think so. And get this--she TOTALLY dances like me (if you consider jumping around, arms up in the air, looking like a 6-year-old with ADHD dancing). So much love. They played a full set, which included all the songs I absolutely love, and I really could not ask for any more.
The band that came on after She & Him I was not particularly interested in. I think they were called Band of Horses, and they seemed to be the band that everyone was there to see. They were all right. Not really my cup of tea, which is probably why I took a nap. Or at least rested my eyes. There is not a whole lot of sleeping that can be had at a concert like that.
We decided not to stay the night in Bend and drive back to Boise after the concert. While I'm glad we did, because it gave me all day Monday to collect my thoughts, driving six hours back to Boise leaving at 11:00 p.m. does not do good things for one's sanity. Pretty sure I started hallucinating. Pretty sure. But I guess the great thing is cops aren't really too keen on staying out on Highway 20 at 3:00 in the morning to catch speeders. Sarah: 1, Oregon State Police: 0.
All in all, fantastic trip. I cannot wait to see them in concert again, and HIGHLY recommend this as a show you MUST see.
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